Why Your Business Needs Thought Leadership Videos

July 11th, 2024

This is a photo of the write of this blog, Corben Surio
Title card for Corben Surio

Establish Credibility with Thought Leadership Videos

To establish your company as a respected authority in your industry, consider producing Thought Leadership Videos.

Thought Leadership Videos are powerful company tools that build your brand by demonstrating expertise, sharing valuable insights, and influencing industry conversations. These videos often feature key company leaders discussing trends, challenges, and solutions within their field.

Thought Leadership Videos aim to educate and inspire viewers, creating multi-faceted impact that both enhances brand credibility and visibility.

The Essential Impact of Thought Leadership Videos

Let’s further break down the benefits of Thought Leadership Videos:

  • Engagement: Thought Leadership Videos position your brand as an industry authority by sharing valuable insights, trends, and expert opinions- deeply engaging viewers who seek reliable and knowledgeable content.
  • Reach: These videos are highly shareable on Social Media Platforms, industry-specific forums, plus your website & blog- expanding your reach to professionals and influencers in your field.
  • Conversion: By establishing trust and credibility, Thought Leadership Videos influence purchasing decisions and foster long-term relationships with clients, partners, and prospects- driving higher conversion rates.
  • SEO: Thought Leadership Videos optimized with the right keywords on your website, blog & YouTube Channel will help your content rank higher in search results, enhancing visibility and attracting more organic traffic.

“So What’s His Secret?”: Salesloft’s ‘How to Close a 7 Figure Deal’ Series


Salesloft, a Sales Engagement Platform, is intensifying its focus on Thought Leadership this year, partnering with Consume Media to achieve this goal.

Together, we have produced dozens of pieces of long-form Thought Leadership Content, including this 5-minute installment from the ‘How to Close a 7 Figure Deal’ series. In this video, Corey Goldstein, Strategic Enterprise AE at Salesloft, shares valuable industry insights on best practices for closing business.

These Thought Leadership Videos with Salesloft deliver trustworthy and genuine content, enhancing the company’s brand credibility and providing value by educating their audience..

“Bark Can Help”: Bark’s Tech Byte’s Thought Leadership Series

Bark is dedicated to keeping kids safer online by safely monitoring children’s technology and tracking social media, text, and email conversations. To elevate their mission and extend their reach, Bark collaborated with Consume Media to bring their ‘Tech Bytes’ Thought Leadership series to life.

In this video from the series, we help Bark raise awareness for cyberbullying. We deliver an important message, while seamlessly  integrating Bark’s branded elements- such as color, text, and graphics- ensuring a branded and visually appealing presentation.

This Thought Leadership series not only engages viewers but also delivers valuable educational messaging, reinforcing trust and reliability in Bark’s brand.

“The Results? We’re Truelio”: Truelio’s Marketing Minute Series

Truelio, a Brand Experience Agency, sought a way to share their industry insights in a professional manner, leading them to produce their 10-part ‘Marketing Minute’ series.

Teaming up with Consume Media, this video tells the story of their internal rebrand. Featuring John Kauffman, CEO of Truelio, this episode of ‘Marketing Minute’ quickly highlights the process that lead them through their successful initiative, while integrating branded visuals that reflect Truelio’s people and culture.

Truelio’s ‘Marketing Minute’ Thought Leadership series builds viewer engagement with concise, knowledgeable content, serving as a powerful Brand Awareness tool for the company.

Create Influence with Thought Leadership Videos

Thought Leadership Videos are not solely about broadcasting expertise; they’re about shaping industry narratives and building trust with your audience. 

Ready to take your Thought Leadership to the next level? Chat with Consume Media today to craft compelling videos that amplify your company’s Thought Leadership through engaging and strategic video storytelling.