Corporate Conference Video
Not only does corporate conference video make an event live on forever, but it boosts brand awareness, increases sales, recaps the conference, promotes the next conference, develops YouTube presence, and increases the conference’s significance!
How to Get More Video from Existing Footage
You don’t necessarily need another day of production to get more videos. More often than not, more videos can be made from existing footage. Learn how our friends at GEEARS went from 10 videos to 11 videos with no extra production.
How to Use GIFs for Your Business
Besides making you appear hip and cool, using GIFs for your business is a secret weapon because it increases your email CTR and increases dwell time on your website!
Bite-Sized Videos
How do we harness audience attention when attention spans are shrinking? Our “Goldfish Model” helps our clients capture their audiences’ attention on social media by providing them with short-form content taken from footage that may not have made the ‘final cut.’
Where Does Successful Video Content Come From?
Where does successful video content come from? Video marketing will revolutionize your business, but an effective video strategy does not pop up overnight. Placing emphasis on the pre-production process will result in the most creative and effective final product.
3 Companies Who are Crushing it with How-To Videos
Your business might have the dopest product of all time, but if customers don’t know how to use it, you haven’t done your job. This is why how-to videos are vital. 3 companies that are killing it with how-to videos are Evoshield, CardioVascular Group, and Mud Pie.
Convert with Customer Testimonial Videos
Convert with Customer TestimonialsOctober 25, 2018 is Cloudleaf?Cloudleaf is a B2B technology company based out of San Francisco. Their product is an intelligent sensor...
Should You Use Video Testimonials for Your Business?
How many times have you purchased or passed over a product on Amazon simply because of the reviews? Now imagine being able to see and hear the person who’s giving the review, automatically giving you the subconscious ability to relate to the customer. Customer testimonial videos take the written testimonial to the next level.
6 Tips to Optimize Video for Facebook
Facebook is an incredible marketing tool for any business, but optimization is key to getting the most out of your Facebook videos. When a video is created, this is not the final result, it’s just the beginning.
Why the Healthcare Industry Needs Video: A Vlog
Video aids in developing trust AND humanizes the people behind the white coats. In the twenty-first century, video is vital for every industry, and healthcare is no exception.
How Evoshield is Creating Champions with Video
Evoshield customers were frequently making mistakes fitting their new gear, and since Evoshield has a perfect fit guarantee, they were constantly giving free replacements. The fitting videos helped their customers see how to fit the product instead of glancing at printed directions- thus causing fewer mistakes, fewer replacements, and less money lost.
Video Production: The Video Production Process in 5 Steps
The video production process requires extreme attention to detailed. In a fantasy land, we could just point a camera at our subject and everything would turn out looking amazing. However that’s just not how it works on planet Earth in the year 2018.
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